Thursday, August 03, 2006


I have a running joke with myself, concerning my weight. i'm 5'7" and 165 pounds. this gives me a BMI of about 25.8. On a good day, i might be 160 lbs, which would be BMI= 25.05. Now, the CDC defines 'healthy' weight as a BMI of 18 to 25. So i'm just over the line into being 'overweight'.

The joke is, i like to think of myself as being on the Front Lines in the War against Obesity. After a while, though, it occurred to me there's all sorts of elaboration on this. Obviously, someone with a BMI of, say, 20, is Behind the front lines. But all the tubby people you see walking around are In Enemy Territory. Someone who is morbidly obese i consider to be a P.O.W. that just kills me.

I'm not sure where that leaves someone with a BMI of 18, or an anorexic. i haven't gone that far with the analogy, since fat people are mostly what i see. and really skinny people to me are just Painfully Thin. any ideas?

1 comment:

zack said...

They're concientious objectors!