Winter has come to Kansas. This is my first here and i find it amenable. We have a fair helping of cold, but nothing a good coat, a scarf, and a knit hat can't handle. And we get snow occasionally, snow thick as comforters-- not the thin 200 flake-count sheets that asheville gets. And not the six feet that i heard chicago has. I've always wanted to have so much snow that i could dig tunnels.
In these past months i have not been blogging. It's basically a journal and whenever i start a journal, things go well for a while but fall off after a bit. so expect another post within, oh, a halfyear.
instead, i have been finding various ways to keep myself occupied. books, movies, happy hours with other college hires from work, driving sabado on the namesake's day, and this week finally i have begun going to capoeira. there's a good group in KC, about 25 minutes from my house, that has classes four days a week. someday i'll tell you about capoeira, one of my passions. if you're curious now, though, search youtube for "capoeira".
Also, there are the chores. It's good my parents made me do them when i was a kid, so i know how and don't mind. it helps to make lists, so that when i'm done, i can cross them off-- that simple action is nearly enough reward. This weekend (sunday is my day for chores), i have a particularly large number, what with tax-filing and my shoes what want polishing.
way to update your blog! high five! thanks for telling me how to get some pictures up. now you can go meet my fish.
Zowie! Great pics! But what, where, are they? Please attribute them !
The waterfall is a sculpture outside a small business in my neighborhood. I drive by it on the way to one of the grocery stores i frequent, or on the way to the library. They don't seem to have to turn it off and the ice just builds up. In fact, it's even more bodacious today, but you'll have to take my word for it. Local curiosity seekers can find it here, but you should go soon, because everything is melting now.
What am I? Chopped liver? I don't even get a shout-out as one of the things taking up your time this winter. I see how you are. ;P
We have two questions for you. Other than taxes (once a year), what are your chores? How does a bachelor living in an apartment in a modern complex accrue enough chores to merit a list? Second, who's Ava? Evidently it's someone who can type, spell, write complete sentences, and use capital letters--a rare species here on the internet. Now who is it?
pay bills
polish shoes
iron business clothes
clean bathtub
update The New Classical Academy website
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