Sunday, April 06, 2008

First Quarter Performance Report

You're a writer, by one definition, if you're driven to write-- if you cannot but help it. This is not me. I enjoy writing and the symbolic communications, but can go for long stretches without any particular need to record my life in narrative. Other media and modalities draw me in at least equal measure.

So of late photography has resurfaced. You might know that I dabbled in the film medium for a bit, thanks to the generous hand-me-down of a SLR camera from my aunt Elizabeth and uncle Cary. And that, from those photographs, I would construct photomosaics in a crude manner.

That camera now lives on long-term loan with my sister, though. Besides, film and developing tend to get pricey after a spell. But this year, thanks to the generous gifts of tax refunds, I have gotten into digital photography, dusted off my knowledge of aperture and f-stop, and am learning a bit about the digital darkroom.

Which couples well with trips to state parks, such as Watkins Mill in Missouri. There we found a woolen mill (not the type that produces flour), an octagonal one-room school house, and a 3.8 mile path around an artificial lake. The first warm Saturday in '08 brought a generous number of bicycle riders out, along with the pedestrian narrator. The equestrian trail is separate, but one would suppose it was equally well utilized.

Still, other matters call. Sunday is the day of chores and I have a job search yet to mobilize. My list of books, both fictional and topical, grows and the nine-to-five never relents. So, friends, I shall have to close this chapter here. You can find me again in the produce section, looking over the tomatoes for the most red bunch and about the cheese counter fondling the goat's milks and seeking out ricotta scanta. The dishes are already washed and the last load of laundry is tumbling now. I leave you to puzzle out who is the sun and who the moon.

1 comment:

JLH said...

Lovely post -- nice pics and good writing! I especially like the "You can find me in..." sentence. There's way too much possible to do, and we can go nutty trying to do the things we want to do, like blogging. I think of blog posts more than I write them, and I have some good pics saved up, but I'm awash in the sea of information (as they call it) out there. I'm glad you have someone to go exploring with or to stay at home with. I saw a Kansas license plate at Ingles yesterday -- wow! I almost jumped on them! But they got into the car and drove off before they could be apprehended.