Sunday, August 03, 2008

Kitty kitty

Got a new member of the household. She's a six-year-old kitty named Kitty. She's a really big sweetie. After spending the first day under the bed, she has begun to come out on her own and snuggle like crazy.

I think she's nocturnal, but she's also house-trained, which is nice. The picture is a bit of a blur, which well represents her dynamism. Now i have to find a vet....


JLH said...

Wonderful! Wonderful! I'm so happy for you and of coure for Kitty. Your Hyde grandparents once had a cat with that name once, I think. Doris Rimer had "Catty." Do you have a copy of Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats (T.S. Eliot)? Preferably the one with the Edward Gorey illutrations? Let me know. You can read "The naming of Cats," an indpensible poem.

Vanessa said...

Glad to see she's adjusting :) She definitely is nocturnal - did I not mention that? That's one reason we always kept the bedroom door closed - she thought night time was playtime :)

That is a great picture of her, too! My sister-in-law (KCMO) said they had a good vet, but I don't know if he's near you.

RH said...

Congrats, Caleb. Warms my heart.