Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sunday Nature Walk

Today was warm but not oppressive, so we went to Heritage Park in Olathe, KS, which turned out to be quite a good spot. We found a geocache that had previously eluded us, spotted turtles and what I have narrowed down to some sort of Heron, and discovered paddle boats that were, unfortunately, out of season.

A few highlights have been posted over at my flickr site. Definitive identification of the bird would be most welcome. Bonus points for the rather large spider, which was prepping it's meals for the next few days when we spotted her.


JLH said...

I just looked at all your pictures and want to say that you take lovely nature pictures (and others -- I love the Tater/gpat mashup). The large bird is most likely a great blue heron. My field guide doesn't show them quite as far west as Kansas, but there aren't any others that look like that. Do you need natures guides in your home library? All your pictures are good and a few are exceptional. You get really good closeups! I'd comment on the pictures, but I'm too lazy to get up and look up my Flickr login. Thanks for posting!

RH said...

Yeah, ditto on the pix and close ups. I don't think our great blue herons have white necks, but I'll have to look at the next one I see. Definitely the only herons that size which we have in CT.

The other one's a blue jay. :-)

Anonymous said...

I agree; great blue heron and lovely pictures. Dad